As much as you want to implement all the non-negotiable elements of website design, you have to be intentional about not making costly, website design mistakes. Make sure you do not make these six, website design mistakes:
1. Slow Load Time
Every second counts. Approach your load time with this mindset: every second that it takes to fully load your webpage increases the likelihood of your visitor abandoning your website. People are accustomed to and expect fast load times. They want information to be readily available for them and no glitches or hiccups in the website design. Make sure your website loads within 2 – 3 seconds.
2. Auto-populating Boxes or Forms
A quick way to irritate and interrupt your website visitor is by auto-populating calls-to-action that are directly in their line of sight. For example, if you want them to sign up for your eNewsletter, don’t make it auto-populate the moment they arrive on your website. Instead, wait several minutes and consider having it auto-populate in the bottom right-hand corner, so it doesn’t interrupt their search.
3. Prioritizing Beauty Over Usability
Simple, easy-to-use navigation does not mean a stunning website design goes out the window. You can have a beautiful design while boasting great usability, but beauty should not supersede usability! Fact – your M&R Marketing team of graphic designers and developers can make sure your website design is both stunning and user-friendly.
4. Unrelatable or Unrealistic Photos
Real photos of your team, services, or product are gold! But that’s not realistic for every industry, and that’s okay. When you choose your stock images, make sure they are relatable and realistic to your target audience. Photos can grab your viewer’s attention and draw them in to read your messaging. Here are a few tips to help you choose the perfect stock image:
• Choose images that reflect your content.
• Opt for candid poses rather than forced.
• Select relevant, up-to-date images.
• Use well-lit, high-resolution photos.
• Zoom in on the details. (They matter!)
5. Auto-playing Videos or Music
Auto-playing videos or music is almost never a good idea. It can startle your visitor, which can actually release adrenaline. You want your visitor to feel comfortable and safe within your website, not go into fight or flight mode. If you have videos or music on your website, make sure your visitor has the option to start it before it begins playing.
6. Too Many Colors & Typefaces
In part one of this series, one of the non-negotiables of your website that was mentioned was consistency. Consistency across all webpages within your website will form a subconscious level of trust and comfortability between your visitor and your brand. Too many color schemes, typefaces, writing styles, and designs can confuse the visitor and cause him to lose trust in your website and company.
Partner with M&R Marketing for Your Website Design Needs
Our team of web developers work closely with our graphic designers to create a stunning, high-quality, user-friendly website for our clients. If your website is outdated or you don’t have one at all, partner with us. Give us a call with your questions: 478-621-4491.
Stay tuned for parts three and four in our blog series about the non-negotiables of your website design:
• Part 1 – 6 Elements You Must Have in Your Website Design
• Part 2 – Avoid These 6 Website Design Mistakes
• Part 3 – How Web Design Affects Search Engine Rankings
• Part 4 – Understanding the 2 Types of Website Design