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Print is dead.

At least, that’s what people have been saying… for almost 100 years now. Ever since the advent of radio, folks have been forecasting the imminent demise of the marketer’s classic standby: ink on paper.

And has that forecast come true? Not even a little.

Print pieces are still a hugely valuable tool in the marketer’s toolbox, and few industries can use print as much and as effectively as the banking industry. Print’s permanence, convenience, and (relatively) low cost make it ideal for hundreds of applications in the financial world.

If you’re in the banking world, you’re almost certainly already using print pieces. Imagining a bank’s teller counter without convenient stands of trifold brochures advertising different types of accounts and loans is like trying to imagine a grocery store without packs of gum at the register – it’s possible, but it doesn’t seem right.

Here are a few of the print pieces you should be using, along with some new ways to use print pieces you’re already using.

Trifolds: The Backbone of Print Bank Marketing

You’re already familiar with (and, like we said, probably already using) trifolds as takeaway marketing pieces outlining the value propositions of your bank’s products and services. You probably have trifolds explaining the basic terms of every type of deposit account you offer, you probably have trifolds explaining your loan products, investments, and almost every other service you offer. You already know about trifolds.

But are you using them for consumer education? Trifolds make a great place to give your customers easy-to-understand answers to questions like “How does compound interest work?” “Why does a mortgage work the way it does, with interest-heavy payments up front giving way to principle-heavy payments?” “What does it mean to take out a government-secured small business loan?”

The trifold can be a great way to give a brief but still more detailed explanation of any concept that often leads to confusion among your customers.

Swag: Where Bank Marketing Gets Fun!

Composition of different promo products - Thermo mug, mug, gifts

Start calling your contacts and asking them if they like free stuff. You can stop when someone says “no.” (Hint: Nobody will ever say “no.”)

Your bank’s customers and leads are no exception. You probably already have some branded pens, and you may have a few other things (water bottles, tote bags, and portfolios seem to be popular) that you can give away across the bank counter or at special events.

But there’s so much more you can do with promotional items. For one thing, the sheer selection of items that are available for customization is vast and increasing all the time. If you can think of a product you’d like to see your logo on, there’s a way to make it happen. Giving out just the right kind of swag – something that someone can get regular or daily use out of is the best option – you can stay front-of-mind for them, even when they’re not necessarily thinking about banking.

Packaging (Folders, Boxes): Another Print Marketing Opportunity

Unless it’s a basic cash transaction, nobody leaves one of your branches without some paperwork. Whether it’s a disclosure statement for a new bank card or an application for an auto loan, there’s almost always something your customers will need to take home with them.

With a ready supply of branded folders, you can ensure that every document a customer leaves with is also an advertisement for your bank. Have some pre-filled with trifolds and flyers promoting your bank services, and you have a high-value, in-depth marketing piece.

Do you have a new customer gift that people get when they open their first account or take out their first loan with your bank? If not, it’s a great idea to think about – especially if your bank’s value propositions rely heavily on the personal relationship between the customer and the bank. Give away custom, branded boxes that are already filled with branded merchandise (see above, re: Swag), and every new customer will immediately feel a connection with and affinity for your bank.

Reports and Publications: Branding for Your Internal Audience

Your bank’s branding isn’t just important for your customers; it’s essential that your internal stakeholders – investors, board members, employees, and others – also see your efforts to solidify and promote your bank’s unique image. (And if you’re running a credit union, remember that your customers are your internal stakeholders!)

Annual reports, earnings statements, and other long-form documents can be dense and hard to navigate. Partnering with a company that can design your reports and other publications to fit your overall brand also means documents that convey all the same information but in a much more attractive and easy-to-navigate style.

Let M&R Show You How Alive Print Really Is!

Print is most definitely not dead. Our talented designers and copywriters have vast experience helping businesses thrive with beautiful, content-rich print materials that really move the needle. Give us a call and let a friendly member of our Sales team show you how simple paper and ink can be a pathway to success for your financial institution.

Call Today: 478-818-6319

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